Arches UK Users’ Group

Group Summary

The Arches UK Users’ Group is an opportunity for implementers, those wanting to implement, and service providers in the United Kingdom to share, discuss, and collaborate on all things Arches.


Primary Contact

Contact Stuart Cakebread ( if you are interested in joining future meetings.



Meeting Dates


Goals or Aims



Participants/Organizations and Roles

Chair: Stuart Cakebread, Greater London Historic Environment Record (GLHER); Greater London Archaeology Advisory Service (GLAAS); Historic England

Secretary: Jana Lorencova, Information Scientist, Flax & Teal Ltd.




Arches UK Users' Group Meeting (10 June 2021)

Arches UK Users’ Group Meeting
facilitated by Alastair MacIntosh, Chair and Stuart Cakebread, Vice-chair (June 10, 2021)

In-Depth Presentations:
00:00:00 | Introduction
00:03:46 | Greater London Historic Environment Record [GLHER/Keystone] (Stuart Cakebread)
00:11:23 | Jersey Historic Environment Record [Jersey HER] (Roger Hills)
00:24:52 | Isle of Man Historic Environment Record [Isle of Man HER] (Jude Dicken)
00:45:11 | Endangered Archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa [EAMENA] (Michael Fischer)
00:56:46 | Maritime Endangered Archaeology [MarEA] (Crystal El Safadi)
01:04:40 | EAMENA customizations of Arches (Michael Fischer)

Quick Overviews:
01:35:40 | Endangered Wooden Architecture Programme [EWAP] Aylin Orbasli
01:37:34 | Mapping Africa’s Endangered Archaeological Sites and Monuments [MAEASaM] (Mahmoud Abdelrazek)
01:39:35 | Mapping Archaeological Heritage in South Asia [MAHSA] (Rebecca Roberts)
01:44:31 | Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales [RCAHMW] Neil Smith
01:48:21 | Central Asian Archaeological Landscapes [CAAL] (Bryan Alvey)
01:57:50 | User-Group Administration and Conclusions

–End of larger group–

02:04:32 | CIIM & Arches Integration (Reuben Osborne)

View Full Transcript (PDF).

Arches UK Users' Group Meeting (17 April 2023)

Arches UK Users’ Group Meeting
facilitated by Alastair MacIntosh, Chair and Stuart Cakebread, Vice-chair (April 17, 2023)

00:00:00 | Introduction
00:00:50 | Change in leadership

00:03:14 | Mapping Archaeology Heritage in South Asia: Data Development Workflow [MAHSA] (Azadeh Vafadari, Junaid Abdul Jabbar)
00:36:25 | An Introduction to the HED Digital Transformation Project [Historic Environment Division, Northern Ireland] (John Murphy)
00:44:00 | Work in Progress: Data Migration Collaboration [Flax & Teal] (Jana Lorencova)
00:57:20 | Work in Progress: Technical Direction of Travel [Flax & Teal] (Phil Weir)
01:22:21 | Latest Updates to Keystone [GLHER/Keystone] (Matthew Jones)
01:36:51 | Customizing Arches [Keystone/Arches for HERs] (Chantelle Smith)
01:54:03 | Web Accessibility: What Is It? Why Do We Need It? – Experience with Arches [Arches for HERs] (Paul Hudson)

02:23:52 | Welcoming Maggie Smith (San Francisco Planning), representative from the Arches US user group
02:35:57 | Development of the UK user group

View Full Transcript (PDF).

Arches UK Users' Group Meeting (28 November 2023)

Arches UK Users’ Group Meeting
facilitated by Stuart Cakebread, Chair (November 28, 2023)

0:00:00 | Introduction

00:01:27 | Arches QGIS Plug-in [Knowledge Integration] (Samuel Scandrett)
00:25:31 | Developing a Standardized Climate Change Hazard Vocabulary for Cultural Heritage [Institute for Sustainable Heritage/Arches for HERs] (Helen Thomas)
00:50:15 | Arches Programmable Framework (WIP): Hierarchical Permissions [Flax & Teal] (Phil Weir)

01:37:33 | Group Discussion & Questions

Arches UK Users' Group Meeting (17 May 2024)

Arches UK Users’ Group Meeting
facilitated by Stuart Cakebread, Chair (May 17, 2024)

0:00:00 | Introduction

00:19:12 | Workflow Builder [Galvia Digital] (Taylor North)
00:23:01 | A Workflow on the Go [Galvia Digital] (Owen McEvoy)
00:45:59 | Arches QGIS Plugin (Update) [Knowledge Integration] (Samuel Scandrett)
01:20:36 | 2024 LA Developer Meetup Recap & Technical Updates (Kubernetes, ArchesORM, & GraphQL) [Flax & Teal Ltd.] (Phil Weir)

01:37:32 | Group Discussion & Questions

Last updated: June 2024